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Workplace Noise

Workplace noise measurement and assessment 

based on ISO 1999:2013 .

According to Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 229 of 2007) employers have a legal duty to protect the safety and health of employees from all noise-related risks at work. If there are reasonable grounds for believing that the exposure exceeds the lower exposure action values, a risk assessment shall be made which may include noise measurements.

Measurement of noise level and workers' noise exposure is the most important part of noise control program and hearing conservation. It helps identify noisy locations, employees who may be affected, requirements for additional noise measurements, as well as make decision what hearing protection equipment should be used. 

Altum Scientific - Noise, Vibration, and Occupational Air Monitoring

Office noise measurement and assessment

based on PN-N 01307. 

Inside working spaces noise can adversely affect productivity, morale, motivation, teamwork and health. In offices, research shows that noise leads to reduced productivity, stress, unwillingness to help and communicate and other undesirable effects.

In the case of any doubts about noise  affecting  employees  and team performance  office  noise measurement and assessment  can help to find solution for the problem.



Altum Scientific - Noise, Vibration, and Occupational Air Monitoring

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Altum Scientific - Noise, Vibration, and Occupational Air Monitoring Services

Tel: +353 87 21 84 942


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